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Teaching Experience: 16 years

Courses: Business English, Conversational English, General English

— TESOL/TEFL Teaching Certificate
— B.A. in International Affairs and an Economics Minor

I am from the U.S.A. born and raised in Pennsylvania.

I am committed to life-long learning, personal, and professional development. I am currently enrolled in a MOOC with the British Council: «Professional Development & How to Become a Better Teacher». Last year I took some MIT courses on Business & Leadership: U Lab/Theory U: Transforming Business, Society, and Self. I am a graduate of the City of Miami Beach Leadership Academy and the Citizen Police Academy. I am a published author.

I began teaching in Seoul, South Korea in 2002. Since then, I have taught Business English classes, hosted an internet lecturing show, acted in an «English Kids’ Musical»- The Magic Gate. In sum, I have taught ESL in Asia, Europe, South America, and North America in 9 different countries so far. I often seek out very special projects.

I have prepared business people and university students for job interviews and professional presentations, conferences, and speeches. I have participated in English immersion programs where I volunteered my time as a «Language Mentor» in the Czech Republic and Poland. I have served as a judge of speech contests for the youth in Korea. I studied Public Speaking in university and have participated in Toastmaster’s. I once hosted my cable T.V. show «Catalyst for Change». I have planned activities and taught lessons at summer camps in Turkey and Miami/Miami Beach, FL.

I enjoy utilizing the principles of «Designer English» when I custom tailor and design lesson plans and classes for my clients and students. I believe in seeking out a variety of resources, applying creative ideas and thought, and fusing education and entertainment when teaching to reach peak engagement.
I also believe in helping my students set goals, devise plans for reaching targets, and keeping them motivated while I serve as an advocate, mentor, «cheerleader», and source of encouragement. This way I blend teaching ESL with Motivational Coaching as my unique value added proposition…

In essence, my aim is to make learning and growing fun for you. We form a partnership in your development as a student. I can empathize with you. I understand the challenges involved with studying a foreign language as I have studied Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, French, beginner’s Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, and Russian. Of course, I am not fluent in all of these languages. However; I made a valiant effort and I know precisely how to recognize patterns and coach you the whole way through to victory!

I can’t wait to meet you in my class and provide the best value for your investment in yourself and your future… Here’s to our success with joy and support…

Make it an amazing and productive day,
Jennifer-Lauren Salapka

«This then is the first duty of an educator to stir up life but leave it free to develop.»
— Maria Montessori

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