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Souha .

Стаж преподавания: 6 years

Преподаю курсы: Start talking from A to Z, exercises , preparing for IELTC , job meeting , bussines english , dialogues

Уровни, с которыми работаю: A1 — C1

Мои дипломы и сертификаты:
Russian diploma. French diploma. English diploma. Technical operation of aircraft and engines

My name is Souha , I’m an Еnglish , French and Arabic teacher , I worked in more than 20 school during my experience in Russia, and it was amazing. I had the chance to make Еnglish and French clubs , and I helped many students talk fluently with confidence starting from the 0 and I helped many to get their job by preparing for an excellent meeting. I treat my students as my friends it makes the lesson fun and interesting. I make sure to let them learn minimum 10 new words depends on their level, and I reward them for this it creates very good vibes and they get more excited to learn more.

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